I am just going to post the clips - Check out the bullshit below
First, lets start with some MK Ultra style programming...remember going through the legal process to contest fraud - "Is dangerous to our democracy"
Not a good idea...
How is that politicians and the agents within the Alphabet Agencies not know about these companies. No one thought, "Hey, maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to allow other politicians control the countries voting systems?" Especially, allow the Clinton's access? Does this make sense to anyone?
A dog voted...PETA would be proud
Social points exchanged for charges
Dominion changing vote tallies live...watch PA closely
Dominion - the root of the issue
Who allowed this to take place?

John Solomon on Dominion
Worked in the Obama Administration - Currently on the board of the parent company of CNN and apparently he has control of the United States Election System.

Dominion ties to Clinton Global Initiative

Don't give in...